Saturday, August 29, 2009

Foto Find Friday- Eyes

Angie is hosting Foto Find Friday and this week's theme is eyes. Several years ago, I ran a volunteer group that worked with critically-ill children and I took thousands of pictures. The thing I loved about these kids is that no matter how sick they were at the time, they still had that "twinkle" in their eyes.

Here are some of my friends.





"I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart."
Pope John XXIII

Go here to see more "eyes".


  1. how wonderful of you! i love the faces--I am sure there is a wonderful story behind each one!

  2. Followed a link and found you for the first time today. After getting lost in your world for quite some time, I must admit - I am throughly amused! Thanks for the smiles!

  3. Beautiful children. Their eyes are all amazing. Thanks so much for participating. I hope you will continue to in the weeks ahead as well. :)
