Monday, December 1, 2008

Maggie Update

I received the following e-mail from my friend, Kimberly.

We have gotten about 41 letters so far, from 20 states! It has taken at least 30 minutes to open, read and find the states on our map. We posted on the den wall low enough so Maggie can find the states. She frequently counts which states we have received the most from. Lots of times the letters share information about the states which Maggie has also really enjoyed.

States we have gotten mail from: CA. HI, CO. ID. IL. NC, SC ,Fl, KS, TX, MS, GA. VA. WV, MD, NJ, PA, MA. NY, MI. We have also received mail from Mexico.

Maggie's dog, Cooper, keeping her company!
Please keep sending mail. It really makes Maggie happy! E-mail me at and I will send you her address.

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