Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bull and Boots Class Auction Items

A couple of weeks ago we held an event for the twins' school and we had each class make some of the items that were to be auctioned off at the event. Our event raised over $20,000 for new technology!

Below are some of the items the classes made.

We bought a large beach bag at Lands End and a Kindergarten class put their hand prints all over the bag. We turned the hand prints into fish and added the kids names. We then stuffed the bags with everything that a family would need for a day of fun at the beach!


A third grade class painted their hand prints on white felt and then their teacher turned it into a blanket. Our school colors are green and white.


Oriental Trading sells these photo q
uilts. Instead of photos, one third grade class did self portraits. They stamped around their portraits. Another third grade class drew their favorite things and decorated around their pictures using fabric markers. We had one of our committee members tie the quilts together and hang them on dowels.


A fourth grade class made these aprons. We made hand print crabs for the principals (Head Chef) and the fourth grade team (Jr. Chefs) and then the baby crabs were made out of the kids fingerprints.


This was my favorite project to do with a class. This was done with a Kindergarten class. I painted the checkerboard table and then another committee member went in and did the bumblebees using the kids fingerprints. Each child wrote his/her name on a checker.


We made mosaic benches with a fifth grade class. The designs were drawn onto the benches and then the kids filled in the designs with the tiles. Then the benches were grouted. If you are looking for a good place to buy tiles (or to learn how to tile), check out Maryland Mosaics in Glyndon. I can't wait to go there for a girls' night out!


Another fifth grade class made this mirror. The room mother painted the mirror white and then the class glued on tiny toys as seen in Family Fun magazine.


One of our committee members made these pillows with her third grade brownie troop. Each of the girls painted fabric that she then turned into the flowers on the pillows. These were beautiful!


A fourth grade class made these mosaic trays that were paired with outdoor entertaining things.


A first grade class made this quilt of their favorite things.


We made this stool with a second grade Brownie Troop. We painted the stool and then the girls painted the petals on the flowers and the designs on the legs using Zig Posterman Markers. We tied on ribbons and wrote the girls' names around the stool.


A first grade class made this stepping stone using a kit that they bought at Michaels. The kids pictures were underneath the glass stones and they used a design that was created by a classmate.


More pictures from the event coming soon!

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