Saturday, December 6, 2008


I have always loved my kids' letters to Santa. This year is no exception...especially because I don't have to oversee the process anymore. Ammy and Kellen have been working diligently on their letters this weekend.

Here is Ammy with her list. It includes a real live monkey and an iPhone. What is she smoking?

This poor thing is setting herself up for disappointment in a big way. Poor girl doesn't even have a cell phone yet. She's certainly not getting an iPhone. Heck, I don't even have a decent phone...ever since I lost mine in a port-a-pot, I haven't chosen the best phones.

As for the monkey, we just won't go there.

This is Kellen's drawing that he did with a picture of "are house" The guy on top of the Christmas tree, that's the dude on the cross.

I think I have some work to do.

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