Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Could They Be Any Cuter?

The gear is as big as the kids at this age. You can imagine how often we have to search for pads that have fallen off the stick.
They were all excited about starting practice tonight. It's hard to believe how intense some of the parents are at this age. After all, the boys are 7 years old and as far as I know, the schools aren't giving out lacrosse scholarships for third grade.
It's so nice when you are on the same team as one of your best buddies. This is Tucker and his dad is one of the coaches. He's all about the kids learning and having a good time. My kind of coach.It's nice to have a twin carry your gear after an exhausting practice.

1 comment:

M said...

Great pics!
My son would have loved to play lacrosse...not a big thing here...yet.

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