Monday, August 24, 2009

They're Back...

I have two birthday parties to finish organizing for this week, so in true fashion, I procrastinated and took Allie and the twins to the Maryland Zoo today. We were happy to see that the prairie dogs have returned after being gone for several years. I could spend hours watching these guys...this guy was hilarious. He spent a lot of time scratching his belly on the ground and stretching.


My favorite exhibit is the chimpanzees. I could watch these guys for hours too. This chimp was playing to the crowd. Minutes after sitting on this ball, he decided to relieve himself much to the delight of all of the young boys who were watching.


This little chimp was trying to escape his momma who wanted to spend time cleaning him off.


This guy was just hanging out doing his own thing.


They have built a new balcony at the zoo where you can pay to feed the giraffes. We didn't partake, but we were able to get pretty close to them anyway.


I hate these guys with their forked tongues... if I came across this guy, I would have no problem ending his life (just ask the little baby snakes that I've had to kill every August. I'm not heartless, but if you are in my house, you must go)


This macaw was 48 years old. Apparently, they can live for 78 years. Not a good pet choice I would say. We didn't get to hear this guy talk. He was a little cranky and they were getting ready to put him away when we walked up.


As for this animal, we have no idea what she is called.


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